Perspective Shift
Perspective Shift
Ram Dass & Alan Watts | Perspective Shift Podcast Episode 153
In this week's podcast episode of Perspective Shift, Frank Daly and Mike Kitlas cover the teachings of Alan Watts & Richard Alpert, widely known as Ram Dass. Baba Ram Dass was a spiritual teacher who played a significant role in bringing the concepts of Eastern spirituality into Western culture through his books and lectures. He also studied psychology and the effect of psychedelic drugs at Harvard University before traveling to India to learn from his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, where he became enlightened. Alan Watts was a philosopher from England who has written many books on consciousness, philosophy, and religion. He was also widely known for his lectures where he would explain the concepts of Eastern religions, such as Buddhism, in a way that was applicable and relatable to Western culture.
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Perspective Shift is a way to see the world as it is. It is the shift from a conditioned mind to an unconditioned consciousness. All welcome, come as you are.
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