Perspective Shift
Perspective Shift
The Breath of Bahsar | Perspective Shift Podcast Episode 161
In this week's podcast episode of Perspective Shift, Frank Daly and Mike Kitlas speak on their experience seeing Bashar channel live. Bashar is an extraterrestrial being who is channeled through Darryl Anka. Darryl Anka is a medium who often channels Bashar in private and public speaking events. He has also authored many books about Bashar's teachings, such as "The Masters of Limitation: An ET's Observations of Earth" and "Bashar: Blueprint for Change : A Message from Our Future." During these channeling experiences, Bashar gives guiding principles on how human beings can live their lives to the fullest.
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About Perspective Shift:
Perspective Shift is a way to see the world as it is. It is the shift from a conditioned mind to an unconditioned consciousness. All welcome, come as you are.
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